Commonwealth of VA Form
Student Health History Form
Permission for Emergency Care
Registration for Aftercare and Emergency Contact
Diabetes Reference and Indemnification 2023
Virginia Asthma Action Plan
Self Carry Epi Pen
Self Carry Inhaler Agreement
Seizure Action Plan
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Care Plan 2023
Medication Authorization Form 2023
Request for Reimbursement (must be approved first)
Notes From The Nurse
School Year Information
For those students who are new at St. Luke School, please ensure that all Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Forms are in the office no later than August 5th. For those students who have transitioned from preschool to kindergarten, please have the physician’s office complete the VA Health Form.
Emergency care information is due by the first day of school for each child in a family.
For all medication(s), prescribed by a physician, or over-the-counter medications, except Inhalers or Epi-Pens, please print and complete a Medication Authorization Form.
Asthma Medication Authorization Forms
For students with asthma, please download and complete the Asthma Action Plan with Inhaler Administration Form 2024.
Allergy Treatment Plans and Authorization Forms
For students with allergies that use only Benadryl, please download and complete the Antihistamine Authorization Form.
For students with allergies that use an Epi-Pen, please download and complete the Severe Allergy/Anaphylaxis Action Plan and Treatment Authorization and the Antihistamine Authorization Form and the Epinephrine Authorization Form. For at home training, please access these websites: www.allergyready.com and www.auvi-q.com/hcp.
Absences, Sickness and Injury Accommodations
Please reference the Student Handbook. If your child develops a fever or has an upset stomach from a virus or cold, please give your child a day to recover. In the Student Handbook, it is stated “a student should not return to school until at least 24 hours after an illness. Temperatures should be normal and other symptoms must have subsided.” Students should remain at home until he/she can follow the regular school schedule.
Students with an injury and a treatment plan must submit a written note from the physician including the modifications in order to be excused from PE class for more than one day.
Absence Notification
Student absences must be accounted for by a phone call or email to the classroom teacher and front office stating the reason for the absence.
Communicable Diseases
If your child contracts a communicable disease, i.e., chicken pox, please inform the clinic immediately. (Preschool parents: Please notify the school of any household communicable disease. From the Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers: “When children at the preschool have been exposed to a communicable disease listed in the Department of Health’s current communicable disease chart, the parents shall be notified within 24 hours or the next business day of the center’s having been informed unless forbidden by law, except for life threatening diseases, which must be reported to parents immediately.”)
Immunization News
Current 5th grade parents: When your student enters 6th grade, their TDaP must be administered prior to the first day of school; the Commonwealth is not allowing any extensions! There are two different types of vaccines dependent upon your child’s age: the Boostrix vaccine for 10 year olds and the Adacel vaccine for 11 year olds. If your physician wishes to defer the immunization until your child is 11 y.o., the parent is responsible for providing a medical exemption letter from the physician. If the student had a tetanus shot within the last 5 years, he does not need the TDaP for the 6th grade; however, we need the documentation reflecting the Tetanus immunization date from the physician. Please provide documentation of this immunization once received and no later than August 5th.
For those students who have transitioned from preschool to kindergarten, please have the physician’s office complete the VA Health Form.
1. New Immunization Requirements: The Virginia Department of Health has issued new immunization requirements for the upcoming school year. According to the publication, “No student shall be admitted by a school unless at the time of admission the student or his parent submits documentary proof of immunization to the admitting official of the school.” Vaccines must be administered in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control spacing and age requirements.
Chicken Pox
If your child develops chicken pox, please report this to the school clinic ASAP.
More information is available at http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/Chickenpox-Varicella-Topic-Overview .
Please refer to your local county health dept. website for Flu information and free clinics
Information on the Flu is also available from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website and VA Dept of Health www.vdh.virginia.gov . This flu virus is spread from person-to-person through coughing/sneezing or contact (lives on surfaces 24 hours or longer). The symptoms are any or all of the following: fever, lethargy, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Antivirals are available if the patient is seen within 2 days of symptoms. Remind students to cover their cough/sneeze, wash their hands/alcohol-based cleaners and keep their hands away from their face as an effective way of prevention. Your child must be fever-free for 24 hrs. before they return. Please notify the clinic of the diagnosis.
If your child has the flu, it is recommended to keep your child home until they are fever free without taking any anti-fever medications for 24 hours.
Colds versus Flu
The following table may be useful in determining the difference between symptoms of a cold vs symptoms of the flu.
Know the Difference between Cold and Flu Symptoms
Symptom |
Common Cold |
Flu |
Fever |
Fever is rare with a cold. |
Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu. |
Coughing |
A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. |
A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). |
Aches |
Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. |
Severe aches and pains are common with the flu. |
Stuffy Nose |
Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. |
Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu. |
Chills |
Chills are uncommon with a cold. |
60% of people who have the flu experience chills. |
Tiredness |
Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. |
Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu. |
Sneezing |
Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. |
Sneezing is not common with the flu. |
Sudden Symptoms |
Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. |
The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. |
Headache |
A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. |
A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases. |
Sore Throat |
Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. |
Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu. |
Chest Discomfort |
Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. |
Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu. |
If your child needs a medication, please ask the physician to space the dosages around school time (for home administration). If this is not possible, please print and complete the appropriate medication form. Remember that each medication has its own form. All medications must be in the original prescription container with the following information: student’s name, license prescriber’s name, medication name, medication dosage, administration frequency, and the prescription fill/expiration dates. Medications cannot be administered out of plastic bags or other non-original containers. NO MEDICATION (PRESCRIPTION OR NON-PRESCRIPTION) IS PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOM AT ANY TIME INCLUDING ASPIRIN, TYLENOL, COUGH DROPS, ETC.. All over-the-counter medications must be brought to the office in their original container upon arrival to school. At the end of the school year, the parents/guardians must pick up the remaining medication. We are not able to release medications back to the student. Upon school closure, any remaining medication will be disposed of. THIS IS FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL OF OUR CHILDREN!
Preschool Medications
Over-the counter medications, such as Children’s Benadryl, will only be held in the clinic for 10 working days unless a physician and parent have signed the medication form (in accordance with the Preschool Licensing Requirements). Long-term prescription and over-the-counter medications will be allowed only with written authorization from the child’s physician and parent.
TB Testing of Volunteers
To ensure the health of our students, the Diocese of Arlington requires that all staff and volunteers provide a medical statement regarding being “free of communicable tuberculosis.” All parents must have a TBtest/Screening done within the last 3 years prior to volunteering in the school.
Scoliosis Screening
Please refer to this information sheet for a home test for scoliosis. This test is recommended especially during the middle school years. Ask your physician to screen your child during your child’s annual health assessment.
Head Lice
Please contact our school nurse if you notice lice or nits on your child’s head. A class room letter will be sent home to the grades involved, so please check your child’s backpack for the reference material.
If a child has had live, your student must report to the clinic on their first day back to be checked by the school nurse before reporting to the classroom. Parents are asked to wait in the front office until the student is checked in case the child needs to be sent home.
Tick Borne Diseases and Zika Virus
Please use this website for information on Lyme’s Disease and other tick borne diseases. For Zika information, visit this website.
Concussion Awareness
Excellent concussion information can be accessed at www.cdc.gov/concussion or here. Please notify the nurse and your child’s teacher immediately if your student has been diagnosed with a concussion. It is necessary to submit a written doctor’s note including accommodations for treatment. Recognition and proper response to concussions when they first occur can help aid recovery and prevent further injury, or even death.
Playground Safety
When a child is injured on the playground, the parent is immediately notified and an accident report is filled out.
Other Sicknesses
Vomiting: Any child who vomits at school will be sent home. They must not have vomited for 24 hrs before returning.
Strep: When a child has a diagnosis of Strep, they must be on antibiotics for 24 hrs before returning to school.
To find all school forms, visit the FORMS tab of the Wildcat Den.
Mission Statement
The mission of Saint Luke Catholic School is to prepare students to become academically sound citizens instilled with a sense of Catholic values and knowledge of Catholic faith, committed to the pursuit of learning, and dedicated to serving mankind.
The PTO mission is to advance Catholic education and promote the welfare of all the children of Saint Luke Catholic School, and by extension, all of the children of Saint Luke Catholic Parish.
The Saint Luke Catholic School PTO provides an environment for parents, teachers and administrators to work together to enhance and maintain the school’s high quality of education and its integral role in the Saint Luke Catholic Parish community.
The PTO hopes to:
be a link of communication between home and school;
provide opportunities for parent education;
assist school leadership with school advancement / development activities;
assist the Volunteer Program in providing volunteers for various PTO functions; and
support present and future school programs.
Vision Statement
To uphold academic excellence and to educate the whole child within a nurturing Catholic community of educators, students and parents.
Membership consists of all parents and guardians of registered students at Saint Luke Catholic School together with faculty, staff and school leadership.
The PTO Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Teacher Representatives, and Arlington Diocese PTO (DPTO) Representative. The Principal and Pastor shall also serve on the PTO Executive Board, with the Principal and Pastor having final approval of decisions of the PTO Board. Elections are held at the last meeting of the year. The term of office shall be for two years and no officer shall serve longer than two consecutive terms in the same office.
The following are the Officers of the PTO Board and their respective duties:
1. President
The President is the senior officer of the PTO and shall preside over all meetings held by the organization. The President shall consult with parents, faculty, the Principal, and the Pastor on matters pertaining to the PTO.
No person shall serve as President who is not an active member of the Catholic Church. Responsible for monitoring and reviewing the Bylaws on an annual bases to ensure compliance with the objectives of the PTO. A Nominating Committee for PTO board elections shall be appointed by the President, with approval by the Principal, and shall consist of at least four members. The President, in consultation with the Principal, shall appoint members of the committees and shall be an oversight member of all committees. The President, along with the Treasurer, will oversee the management of the PTO funds.
Responsible for supporting the fundraising goals of the PTO, including:
Developing the fundraising schedule for each school year.
Responsible for developing long range financial plans, as well as school improvement plans for the PTO.
Oversee all PTO fundraising initiatives, including: Wildcat 5K, Christmas Shoppe, Auction, Raffle, Box Tops for Education, School Store, Harris Teeter VIC / Giant Reward shopping programs and Amazon Smile.
2. Technology & Website
The Vice President shall act as an aid to the President and, in the absence of the President, perform all duties assigned to that office. If for any reason the President can no longer fulfill the duties of the office, an election will be held to secure a new President in the Catholic faith. The Vice President reports to the President of the PTO Board.
The Technology & Website Vice President is responsible for ensuring parent volunteer hours are recorded appropriately and for providing the Business Manager with a list of parents that need to be charged for volunteer hours.
Responsible for supporting the school Technology Director in their role, including:
Managing the internal and external website content and vendor relationships for the school to enhance communications and technology tools for use by the parents, students, PTO board, prospective families, teachers and administrative staff in support of classroom needs, events, fundraising, social media and reporting.
Serves as a member and the PTO liaison on the school technology committee led by the school’s Technology Director.
3. Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for the administration and organization of the PTO, including:
Announcing PTO meeting schedule via weekly parent newsletter “Wildcat Weekly”, on school website, and via email to PTO Board members.
Working with President & Principal to create PTO meeting agendas.
Distributing meeting agenda and supporting documents prior to the PTO Meeting.
Distributing draft meeting minutes via email to PTO President members within 7 days following the PTO meeting for approval.
Once approved, distribute PTO meeting minutes to PTO meeting attendees and all members.
Coordinating the posting of PTO meeting minutes to the school website.
Coordinating with school to bring in educational speakers for General PTO meetings including Back-to-School and two to three other times per year.
Preparing written procedures for the organization’s activities.
The Secretary reports to the President of the PTO Board.
4. Treasurer
Responsible for the financial management of the organization, including special committees in accordance with the Arlington Diocese “Guidelines for PTO Treasurers” :
Overseeing the accounting and management of PTO funds with the school business manager.
Reporting to the PTO Board on a monthly basis or more frequently if requested.
Developing and implementing a PTO budget.
Reporting income and expenses as compared with the budget.
Preparing an annual report to be used to review PTO financial records.
All disbursement / reimbursements must have final approval of the Head of School / Principal.
The Treasurer reports to the President of the PTO Board.
5. Teacher Representatives (2) – Faculty will Rotate
The teaching staff shall rotate and attend PTO meetings. Responsible for serving as a liaison between the school faculty and staff and the parent PTO members.
6. Diocese PTO Representative
Responsible for representing Saint Luke Catholic School at the Arlington Diocese PTO (DPTO) meetings, communicating Arlington DPTO updates to the PTO Board and coordinating Arlington DPTO initiatives at Saint Luke Catholic School. The Arlington DPTO provides support and channels parental assistance to a school’s leadership on matters such as:
mission advancement; student recruitment and marketing;
building and maintaining school community;
legislative issues concerning parochial schools;
enlisting the help of parents and harnessing other resources for the benefit of the schools.
Saint Luke Catholic School pays an annual membership fee for the DPTO. If the St. Luke Diocese PTO representative is unable to attend a meeting, another Saint Luke Catholic School PTO Board member may attend as a substitute. All other members of the local PTO Board are encouraged to attend Council meetings as non-voting guests.
7. Past President
Shall serve one more term as an advisor, when consulted, to the current Executive Board and will assist with PTO-sponsored events.
8. Principal
Chief Administrator of the school. PTO initiatives require Principal’s review and approval.
9. Pastor – St. Luke Church Father Martin
Member(s) of the Board. PTO initiatives require Pastor’s final approval.
Section 1: The standing committees of the PTO are as follows:
1. Room Parent Coordinators
Coordinate school-wide communications and policies among all grade-level Room Parents. Train new Room Parents and ongoing Room Parents as needed.
2. Wildcat 5K Walk/Run
The purpose of the committee is to plan, implement and evaluate the annual Wildcat 5K Walk/Run.
3. Auction
The purpose of the committee is to plan, implement and evaluate the auction.
Donations & Bidpal Committee:
VIP Cocktails:
Class Baskets:
Class Projects:
Program/Family Ads:
Online auction:
4. Social Co-Chairs
Responsible for leading the Social Committees in providing opportunities for social events for the school and parish families. The Social Chair shall plan and implement social activities throughout the school year, sometimes working with the SCA. The Social Chair reports to the President of the PTO Board.
Major Social Events & Corresponding Committees for 2016-2017 include:
Back to School BBQ Committee – Friday, August 26, 2016
Parish / School Christmas Party Committee – Saturday, December 10, 2016
Spring Event – TBA
5. Buddy Family Program Chair
This program will help orient new families to Saint Luke Catholic School. Families who have had students at Saint Luke Catholic School for 2+ years will be matched with a new family, preferably with students in the same grades. The goal of this program is to support new families who may have questions about school traditions, rules, policies and communications.
6. School Open House Marketing Chair
The chair will support Connie Lagos, Registrar, in hosting two Open House events each year by soliciting volunteers, ensuring school brochures and other materials are up-to-date, enough copies are available, and assist with set-up and clean-up.
7. School Store Manager
The purpose of this committee is to oversee the school store, including: stock school uniforms and spirit wear items, recruit & train volunteers, organizing the store, and overall operations.
8. Facilities Committee
Responsible for coordinating facilities planning with Principal, Pastor and Business Manager. Compiling and prioritizing necessary facility maintenance and beautification efforts; organizing parent work days and serving as a liaison to the Parish Safety & Security Committee.
9. Fundraising Programs Chairs
Responsible for managing the Box Tops for Education, Giant / Harris Teeter Grocery Store rewards programs, AmazonSmile, and Labels for Education (program scheduled to end Summer 2017).
Section 2.
Standing Committees may be instituted by request of the President or other officers of the PTO Board. Institution of a Standing Committee requires a two-thirds vote of the PTO Board. Standing Committees can be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) approval vote of the PTO.
Section 3.
All committees shall meet as often as necessary to carry out their duties. A quarterly summary or an after action report must be submitted by each special committee to the President of the PTO Board.
Section 1: Meetings
Meetings shall be held monthly. The President may call special meetings, with the approval of the Principal and Pastor. The duration of meetings should be an hour in consideration of the Principal, Pastor and families.
In addition to the Officers listed above, the following parties shall be invited to attend the monthly PTO meetings:
Room Parent Leads
Annual Fund Committee
Parish Finance Committee
St. Luke PTO meetings are open to all current St. Luke parents, and meeting notices will be included in school communications.
At the final meeting of the year, elections will be held for the vacating Executive Board positions, including President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Arlington Diocese PTO (DPTO) Representative.
Standing Committees will regularly report to the Saint Luke Catholic School PTO regarding topics relevant to the interests of Saint Luke Catholic School parents.
Each Saint Luke Catholic School PTO Executive Board member is entitled to one vote. In the case of a tie vote, the President or presiding officer shall cast the deciding vote.
Section 2: Order of Business
1. CALL TO ORDER: The President opens the meeting at the designated time. The
President announces the purpose and business to be conducted.
2. OPENING PRAYER: The Pastor, if present, shall offer the prayer. If the Pastor is not present, the Principal shall offer the prayer.
3. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The members of the PTO Board shall approve the minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary shall distribute the minutes prior to the meeting for members of the PTO Board to review.
4. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer shall present a report of all receipts and disbursements that have taken place since the last meeting.
5. REMARKS BY PASTOR AND/OR PRINCIPAL: The Pastor and/or the Principal shall address the PTO Board.
President and Committee Chairs shall provide an update on current activities. Follow-up summaries and reports to the PTO Board regarding current, past and future events; plus guidance for future chairs at the end of events. These summaries/reports may be used for future planning.
7. OLD/NEW BUSINESS: Address any unresolved issues from the previous agenda first; then entertain new matters on the agenda.
8. PROGRAM: Guest Speaker, panel discussion, etc.
9. CLOSING PRAYER: Given by the Pastor, if available, or the Principal.
10. ADJOURN: Secretary notes time meeting adjourned.
The President and Vice Presidents shall recruit parents interested in serving on the PTO Board starting in March/April. They then develop a slate that is approved by the PTO Board in April/May. Parents are asked to vote online prior to the last day of the school year in June. Voting should be open for 1 week.
Incoming officers will attend the final meeting of the present school year to allow for a transitional period before the end of the school year and work over the summer to get ready for the new school year.
PTO Officers and Committee Chairpersons should annually update the Wildcat Den PTO website for each role / committee. Electronic copies as well as paper copies shall be kept. The purpose is to provide chairs and Board members an institutional history of that the role and/or event; and to ensure a smooth transition from year to year.
In February of each year, the PTO, in consultation with the Principal, shall establish the annual PTO dues for the following year.
Constitution of Saint Luke Catholic School’s (PTO)
School Vision Statement
To uphold academic excellence and to educate the whole child within a nurturing Catholic community of educators, students and parents.
School Mission Statement
The mission of Saint Luke School is to prepare students to become academically sound citizens instilled with a sense of Catholic values and knowledge of Catholic faith, committed to the pursuit of learning, and dedicated to serving mankind.
PTO Mission Statement
The PTO mission is to advance Catholic education and promote the welfare of all the children of St. Luke School, and by extension, all of the children of St. Luke Parish.
The St. Luke School PTO provides an environment for parents, teachers and administrators to work together to enhance and maintain the school’s high quality of education and its integral role in the St. Luke Parish community.
The PTO hopes to:
be a link of communication between home and school;
provide opportunities for parent education;
assist school leadership with school advancement / development activities;
assist the Volunteer Program in providing volunteers for various PTO functions; and
support present and future school programs.
Saint Luke Catholic School Parent-Teacher Organization provides help and support in achieving the school’s mission. Mindful of the fact that parents are the primary educators of their children, this organization dedicates itself to offering encouragement and support to parents. At the same time, this organization supports the administration and faculty of the school to advance its mission and provide a superior Catholic education for each and every child.
ARTICLE I – PTO Membership
The membership of the PTO shall consist of the parents / guardians of each student in the school, as well as faculty, Principal, and Pastor. Other family members of a student may also attend the general meetings of the PTO, but they do not hold voting rights. parents/guardians, faculty, and school leadership are voting members of the PTO. All parents / guardians are encouraged to provide financial support.
ARTICLE II – Nature of PTO
The Parent-Teacher Organization must cooperate with the Pastor and Principal in all matters that pertain to the school. The role of the PTO Executive Board is to serve in an advisory capacity to the school administration. Final authority in matters of decision-making and school policy rests with the Pastor and Principal.
The Saint Luke School PTO should strive to:
Serve in a support capacity to support the school leadership such as Pastor, Head of School/Principal, and administration.
Support and promote quality Catholic education at the school;
Encourage Catholic values in family life;
Enlist parents to help organize efforts to develop and enhance community and advance the mission of the school.
ARTICLE III – PTO Constitution Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a two-thirds vote of the members of the PTO, with final approval of the Pastor and Principal.
President: Christine Blaney
Vice President: Sarah Crane
Treasurer: Teresa Betz
Lead Room Parent: Ahita Lalljie
Volunteer Coordinator: Julia Asoni
Social Committee: Racheal Georgopoulos and Andrea Edney
New Parent Committee: Cristina Eldredge
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways families can volunteer. Examples of areas in which volunteers are needed include classroom events, school-wide events, fundraisers, and photography. If you have questions regarding volunteering opportunities or hours, please contact the PTO. For information regarding the VIRTUS training for volunteers, please refer to VIRTUS information on the Arlington Diocese website.
The Saint Luke School SmugMug Gallery is a password-protected gallery from which you can view and download photos in full resolution and order quality prints. You will receive messages from school that include upload links to upload your photos to various galleries.